Meownica Studio


One of my favourite things about large text-to-image Machine Learning models is that they REALLY don't know English. One of my least favourite things is that they 'know' styles, so it makes it easy to copy other artists. I generally find this incredibly boring/problematic, but not really bothered by it in the case of Andy Warhol: a man who profited from often copying or making other people do his homework. So here is my incredibly meta collection of Warodies: pop posters made with an ML model, about Warhol, stealing Warhol’s style, but

A warody is a parody of an Andy Warhol. I took each generated image, cleaned it up and painted it, along with its frame, with acrylic pens.

A warody is a parody of an Andy Warhol. I took each generated image, cleaned it up and painted it, along with its frame, with acrylic pens.

Played with echoing the image.

Played with echoing the image.

I think this one may be my favourite.

I think this one may be my favourite.

Here and below are other generated images I liked but haven't painted yet.

Here and below are other generated images I liked but haven’t painted yet.